Why Support Doesn’t Really Matter, Do It Anyway
We hear it all the time, “I’d do this if I had more support,” or “I don’t feel like anyone believes in me, so what’s the point?”
It’s easy to get caught up in the idea that we need validation, encouragement, or even just a cheerleader in our corner to take action. But, support from others doesn’t really matter. You should do it anyway.
1. No One Cares as Much as You Do (And That’s Okay)
Your dreams, goals, and ideas? They belong to you. No one else will ever feel them as deeply as you do, and that’s not a bad thing. People are busy. They have their own lives, their own struggles, their own things that keep them up at night. Waiting for someone to get as excited as you are is like waiting for a bus that isn’t coming, it’ll keep you stuck in the same place.
2. Support Comes Late, Not Early
Ever notice how people suddenly believe in you after you succeed? It’s frustrating but true. Most support isn’t given at the starting line; it shows up at the finish. That means if you’re sitting around waiting for people to clap before you take your first step, you might never move. The uncomfortable reality? You have to earn people’s belief by doing the thing first.
3. You’re Stronger Than You Think
What if the reason you want support is because you don’t trust yourself? That’s a tough question to ask, but an important one. If you knew, deep down, that you were fully capable of doing what you wanted, without permission, without applause, would it really matter who was watching?
4. Regret
Let’s be real, fear of failure, fear of judgment, fear of doing it alone, these all hold people back every single day. But what’s worse: starting without support or looking back years from now wishing you’d tried? Regret lingers far longer than any moment of doubt.
5. The Right People Will Show Up (Eventually)
When you start moving, you naturally attract people who align with your path. Maybe they weren’t there at the beginning, but they’ll come. The trick? Start anyway. Build the thing. Create the momentum. The people meant to support you will find you on the way.
Final Thought: Do It Anyway
Your belief in yourself is worth more than a hundred people’s applause. So stop waiting. Start building. Take the first step. Do it anyway.